Wednesday 15 September 2021

I forgot that I have a blog!


Wow! It is like a million years ago when I first started this blog. I put an entry in 2020, just one. And today, while cleaning my emails, I found my blog. I have even forgotten the name of my blog and the password. Hahahaha...

Nothing much has changed about me. Just that perhaps, my weight has gone over the tip of health watch. I have become the lazy bum. A lot of sitting in front of the computer screen. My eyes have become even more 'rabun'. The funny thing is, when I went for an eye inspection, the power remains the same like when I first went to the optometrist to get my first pair of glasses. is rather late now. I will leave this page and hopefully will visit it more often after this. 

Thursday 14 May 2020

Do you still read blogs?

Assalamualaikum, hello

After years of not blogging/writing/updating my blog, I wonder if anyone still read blogs anymore. People are now into vlogs, instagram and other sharing platforms. I won't do vlog as I am a shy person and I don't like appearing in any videos. I don't have instagram account as I am never really interested to read on other people's story...hahaha...but I write in a blog!

I will write something here, when I can as I actually do love writing. The past few years however, I barely have time to update anything in here.

I write in blogs just to express myself freely. If anyone stumbles onto my blog and read, well I am okay and happy that my writings get read by someone. If I were followed, that is a bonus. I have few who used to be my followers, but I think they are no longer my followers now as I have stopped updating my blog for more than three years.

Well...hopefully i will come more often here to just laid bare my thought, experience and feelings.

Have fun!

Monday 12 February 2018

Rabun oi!

hahahaha...Hari ni, Ana tertinggal glasses kat tumah. Ini bukan kali pertama tertinggal glasseskat rumah. Masuk ini, kali ke tiga kot.

Mata Ana memang la dah rabun. Memang pakai spek dah lama. Dah lebih 5 tahun cacat penglihatan. Kata optician masa Ana p cek mata masa tu,; Umur dah 40an kak, memang sampai masa dah bagi kebanyakan orang untuk mula guna reading glasses.' Oooookayyy...

Asalnya tu pakai reading glasses sahaja. Pas tu setiap kali nak baca tulisan jarak jauh, buka glasses. Asyik pakai, tanggalkan sampai comot rasanya kat muka ni sebab anak2 rambut mula mengintai keluar dari tudung. Akhirnya Ana tempah bifocal, xperlu lagi nak pakai-tanggal, pakai-tanggal. Mula2 tu janggal la jugak terutama bila nak turun tangga. Tapi lama2 dah biasa, okay je.

La ni membaca dengan mengecilkan saiz bukaan mata. Ini pun dah bagi saiz font sebesar2 yang dapat kat skrin komputer ni. Itupun tak efektif mana. Masih blur lagi tulisan. Adohaiii...

Nampak gaya, macam nak kena balik rumah ni....

Ish! Serius, memang nak kena balik sebab asyik squint mata, sakit and letih mata jadinya.

Maaf la big bos. Hari ni tak stay sampai petang...mata tak larat...

Image result for rabunHave a cheerful day ahead friends! Cheerios!


Saturday 10 February 2018

My 7 beautiful, adoring kids


Beberapa tahun yang lalu, semasa Ana mula menulis dalm blog, Ana ada bercerita tentang pengalaman Ana melahirkan anak, dan juga serba sedikit tentang anak-anak Ana. Ana mula menulis dalam blog pada tahun 2011. Kini sudah 2018. So, anak-anak Ana semuanya sudah remaja. Alhamdulillah, semuanya sihat, cerdas dan comel...hehehehe..

Anak sulung Ana kini sudah hampir 3 tahun bekerja. Sudah mempunyai kereta sendiri. InshaaAllah tidak lama lagi, menjadi isteri orang.

Anak kedua, baharu tamat pengajian dalam bidang Matematik. Sedang mencari pekerjaan. Mudah2an Allah kurniakan rezeki, beroleh pekerjaan tidak lama lagi.

Anak ketiga, akan menamatkan pengajian di peringkat diploma dalam bidang kejuruteraan inshaaAllah dalam masa 6 bulan lagi. Alhamdulillah, sudah mendapat tempat untuk latihan industri walaupun jauh dari rumah, syukur ada elaun yang akan diterima dan ada rumah pakcik untuk ditumpangi sepanjang masa latihan industri.

Anak keempat, sudah di dalam tahun akhir pengajian peringkat diploma dalam bidang kejuruteraan juga. Mudah2an keputusan peperiksaan yang bakal keluar tidak lama lagi ini adalah keputusan yang baik dan tiada mana-mana kursus yang perlu diambil semula. Graduate on time harapannya.

Anak kelima, sedang menunggu keputusan peperiksaan SPM. Kini sedang menimba pengalaman bekerja di sebuah stesen pam minyak. Dapatlah juga duit untuk belanja diri sendiri. Mudah2an keputusan peperiksaan SPM yang akan diterima dalam bulan Mac? nanti adalah keputusan yang baik yang akan membolehkan dia masuk ke universiti untuk menambah ilmu dalam bidang yang diminati. 

Anak keenam, sudah berada di tingkatan 3 dan akan menduduki peperiksaan umum. Syukur, prestasi pelajaran meningkat baik walaupun aktif dengan kegiatan kokurikulum. Sekarang ni terpilih untuk bermain bola keranjang mewakili sekolah. Aktif juga macam ibunya dulu2...hehehehe..

Anak ketujuh, yang juga yang bongsu, sudah di dalam tingkatan 1 sekarang. Nampak macam rajin dan lebih matang sedikit tentang pelajaran berbanding sebelumnya. Pun rajin melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti kokurikulum. Ana angkat topi dengan dia sebab walaupun tau peluang untuk terpilih ke dalam pasukan atau untuk menang adalah tipis, masih bersemangat untuk terlibat dengan aktiviti sukan.

Sungguh Ana bersyukur kerana Allah kurniakan Ana dengan anak-anak yang taat dan baik. Kekallah mereka begini hendaknya. Aamiin..



Wednesday 7 February 2018

Being challenged as a Muslim


Have anyone of you spoken about Islam with an atheist or a non-believer? Well, I have.

I have a friend. He confessed that he is an atheist. He does not believe that there is a God. He said if there is a God, why did God make us suffer in this world? Why must there be hell and heaven? Why must there be good people and bad people? Why are all the killings, the war, the poverty, the handicaps and all the bad things? Why when He is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, why would He not let us all stay in heaven? Why create all the mishaps in this world? And lot more questions.

I tried to answer most of his questions as best I can. I felt confident with my answers but I also realized my weaknesses. I cannot recite verses in the Qur'an which can strengthen my answer. I cannot provide any hadits which can support my reasoning. I am so lack of Islamic knowledge that I felt ashamed at confessing that I am a Muslim.

I have to confess my lack of knowledge in my own religion. I realize that all this while, I have been just happy with the little knowledge I gained from donkey years back at school. And obviously, that knowledge is not enough. I have even forgotten most of it anyway. And that is a shame. To me. Having claimed that am a Muslim. 

I promised myself from then on to deepen my knowledge, do more reading, ask more questions to more knowledgeable people, read and understand the Qur'an and the recites of the solat and many more things I must do harder.

May I be more knowledgeable and become a more informed person so that I can help others to understand this beautiful religion I am bestowed with, Islam. Allahu Akbar. May we all be blessed and guided to the right path always. Aamiinn...


Monday 5 February 2018

Never trust anybody

Assalamualaikum and hello

I have not been blogging for million years now...hahaha...If you asked me why, well, I honestly don't know. I have so much that I want to share in here but I kept postponing until today.

What happened to me in the last 2 years or was it 3 years?

Only Allah knows. One thing I can say is: Never Trust Anybody in this world. There are many bullies and liars and dishonest people who will take advantage of your weaknesses and kindness. Having said that, I may be one of the guilty people here for unintentionally I myself have committed a crime. A crime that I never want to commit in the first place. A crime that has caused me my life, a good friendship and some trusts.

The plus point to what happened: I become closer to my Creator

Alhamdulillah for that.

That is all I can share for now.

May He eases us all from all the hardships in this world and reward us with Jannah for our patients.

Thank you for reading...see you next time.


Tuesday 29 November 2016

Kerja dalam cuti

Assalam and good morning.

The day is not starting as brightly today. I mean, the sun is not shining. There is an overcast shadow on the sky. The day is certainly gloomy. I normally enjoy the quietness of the campus as everyone seems to be away...taking some breaks from the routine. I wish I could enjoy the day.

Once again today, I had a peep into FB. It so happened that the notification kept popping up at the corner of the screen that I can not resisted opening. As I scrolled through, I noticed many of my friends are away from Malaysia now. Some went for holidays and some went for umrah. How nice to be able to do all those. I am terribly jealous of them. Here I am, recorded as 'on leave' aka 'cuti rehat' but, sitting here in the office. And there are strong reasons that I cannot be like my friends.

Anyway, I plan to finish off grading those written assignments I made students do before they went off for their break. There are a total of 300 written assignments x 2000 words to start with. Padan muka Rozzana. But, after 2 days, Alhamdulillah, slowly and meticulously I managed to finish half the load. I tell you, it is not easy to read some of them. In fact, there are a few which I refused to continue reading and hence no grade were given. These students will have to re-do their work or risks failing the task. And then I have problem trusting the originality of their works. Urgh...

If I were staying at home, I have nothing better to do than succumbing to the alluring call of my bed. And yes, what a bliss to just lie and sleep away all the stresses of life.

Well, no more proscratination Rozzana! Back to reality. Have to complete executing the plan now.

Have a good cuti friends!