Jadi..apa dia silo thinking tu ye..??
1. Essentially it is when team members take decisions or give support based on the impact on:
- Them personally.
- The team or function to which they belong.
2. stands alone, not interacting with any of the other
3. incredibly focused and efficient within its own structures
tu maksud sebenar dlm bahasa Inggeris.
Maksud dalam bahasanya ialah: berfikiran tidak terbuka...hanya melihat dari satu aspek sahaja...dan kebiasaannya mempunyai kepentingan peribadi.
kalau nak berjaya..tak boleh la kita berada dalam kategori org yang punyai silo thinking....
luckily i'm not one of them. Chewahhhhh ... masuk bakul angkat sendiri laks. hihi.